The Fate of Shackleton's Ross Sea Party Dogs April 29, 2011 Antarctica Auckland Zoo Aurora dogs Ernest Shackleton Gunner Joyce McIntosh Oscar Ross Sea Party sledge Towser Welllington Zoo +
'Princess Alice' The Lady of Wonderland City April 29, 2011 auction bondi Bostock and Wombwell Circus Indian Elephant Princess Alice sydney tamarama William Anderson Wirths Circus Wonderland City +
The Life and Death of Dumbo - Australia's First African Elephant April 29, 2011 Africa African Elephant Animal Capture Australia Belgian Congo Congo E.J Hallstrom elephant training school Loxondonta africana Taronga Park Zoo +
"Almost Human" - The Sins of the Simians Part 1 April 24, 2011 animal traders apes Australia Casey Chimpanzee circus history Joseph Ellis New Zealand Sells-Floto Circus showmen sideshows Thomas Fox +